Self love?? Self care??

How do you practice self-care?

Dear readers,

I am delighted that Jetpack invited me to write on the theme “How do you practice self-care?”. It’s an opportunity for me to share a personal aspect. Over the years, I’ve come to understand that self-care wasn’t something instilled in me during my youth. Initially, it was a rather abstract concept for me. But upon deeper reflection, I realized that self-care goes beyond mere superficial care. It’s a practice aimed at enhancing my daily well-being on all levels.

I must confess that caring for myself begins with self-love. However, writing on this topic makes me quite uncomfortable as it feels like baring my soul. Is it because self-care remains abstract for me, not having been ingrained earlier, or is it simply a reluctance to share something intimate? I view self-care as encompassing several spheres: our mind, body, health, and spirituality. Nurturing each of these spheres contributes to personal growth and inner well-being.

There was a time when caring for my body involved rigorous discipline: creams, masks, foot care, and daily gym sessions. Currently, this is a challenging area for me. I compensate by nurturing my intellectual side because learning and acquiring knowledge bring me great contentment.

Another lesson I’ve learned over time is the importance of emotional management. It was completely absent from my upbringing, yet today, I consider it fundamental to all relationships in our lives. Learning to manage our emotions allows us to better understand ourselves and set boundaries.

I believe life has its ups and downs, and self-care may fluctuate at different times. However, it’s crucial to persevere despite these variations.

In conclusion, I personally find it a daily challenge, and sometimes I have to remind myself to refocus. It’s easy to forget self-love and self-care at certain times in my life. During these periods, self-compassion is essential to regain balance. Self-care encompasses self-love, emotional management, body care, health, and spirituality—all crucial for promoting holistic and sustainable well-being.

© 2024 Sylvie Elbilia. Tous droits réservés. AuthenticitéAssuré

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